Friday, January 05, 2007


Album: Muse - Black Holes And Revelations

Since YUI Lover has a tribute album thing going on, think of participating it, for fun.

Immediately I did the recording for the song I'm gonna cover, Tokyo. Actually that's the first ever song I learned. And it's quite easy to play (except for the Bm chord Zzz).

So, (Warning: Bad vocal and lousy guitar skills)

My pathetic attempt on YUI's Tokyo

That's just the demo, 'might' improvise it, or ask my classmate to do the vocal instead lol I can't sing.

Tell me if it's alrite xD I'm gonna delete bad comments though =x

Anyway, Muse is coming to Malaysia on 25th of February, I watched some of their lives on Youtube few days ago, woot they rocked~!!! If I have an electric guitar I think I'm gonna learn to play the intro of 'Supermassive black hole' LOL, someone did it and it looks COOL, ok maybe for me I need another few more years......Just learned tapping, and voila, one of their song's (Invincible) solo has tapping as well, now they are coming here??? Talking about coincidences. Since my guitar teacher doesn't like British rock......who wants to join me??? If buy the tickets on this Sunday will get 30% off (I'm cheap), gonna make decision soon >.< Not going to buy the ticket at the 'human mosh pit' (named by Annie Lau) though, imagine the odours and.....needles? This gonna be my first ever rock concert, can't wait. My previous concert was 2 years ago? (David Tao's)

Later got presentation......I suck at this =/ Somemore the class is 3 hours me T.T


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