Album: ikimonogakari - Sakura Saku Machi Monogatari (桜咲く街物語)
I won't easily hand over things that I love => Such a strong description for her new album :O
Time to waste money again:
Such a sexy cover with her sunburst strat xD Luckily this is the cover for limited edition if not I will be so tempted to buy both. Going to buy it from HMV Japan, as usual. Amazon Japan doesn't offer economy shipping anymore (cheapest option), now they are on par with CD Japan......have to go Kinokuniya again for magazines....or eat more bread.
Some prefer the normal edition because it more YUI. Since she said that this album will be more 'rock-ish', plus the boots look hot lol. Nah actually I have a thing with guitars so I prefer YUI with guitar more. The LE cover's style is similar with YUI's previous album cover, some people have problem with it. And now you're talking YUI is changing her style, the irony. Bah, looks like a lot of 'veteren' fans will give this album a final shot because for them YUI has lost her 'acoustic touch'. And people start saying that her voice lost the 'angelic/ pure or watever' feel as well, her live performance is getting worse. So many negative comments despite dear YUI looks happier now, maybe that is the main reason haha.
Since the reason I like her so much is her personality, that won't affect much. Anyway I still think that her songs are as good as the past ones, if you don't like the melody, take a look at the lyrics. Still don't like, try to find out what YUI was trying to convey when she wrote this. Well that might be a little bit difficult since most of the interviews are in Japanese......a lazy person like me will only do it if you ask over and over again haha. That's why I rant from time to time at YUI lover after watching certain lives and programs, just to let the overseas' fans know more about dear YUI.
Lets switch to something more positive. YUI went to Music Station again.
She actually did that sign thingy!!! wuu~~~wang!! Well only YUI Radio listeners will understand that haha. When I first heard about it I was literally...shocked, she really did that?? She kept saying that she can't do it (dekinai dekinai, muri) in YUI Radio, now she has done it (uncomfortably), just for us fans =D Personality. Her outfit looks similar with her new album cover, coincidence???
I've gotta mention Angela Aki.
She turned back and clapped all the while when YUI was walking down the stairs during the intro. And she even patted dear YUI (see that mysterious hand) when YUI was off to perform on stage. Such a nice moment~ *hint hint* Both from Sony as well *more hint*. Heard that Angela is getting married, wish her good luck =D As usual, Angela was in her 'numbered' T-shirt + jeans + Converse lol.
YUI started off first again, no small talk with Tamori san =(
White wristband, as promised in YUI Radio =D Putting it at the headstock won't affect the sound meh? Must put caps of constipated look haha. Since this time she performed it 'live' (as is playing instrument live) along with her bandmates, you know have to play guitar + singing at the same time in a live braodcast program can be quite 'frightening'. If you listen carefully, during the end of chorus after the bridge (haru no tsumetai yokaze ni...), dear YUI messed up the chords =P You can hear the buzzing sound nyahahaha...that's what we called LIVE.
Her pedal is always filled with lots of weird stuff xD More and more animals =.= last time only had cows and pigs. Maybe it has something to do with those stuffed animals on the cover CHE.R.RY.
If you watched her previous apperances in Music Station, she's always looked nervous and her facial expression was serious all the time throughout the program (nervous ma). This time she was really relaxed and even sang along with her own song during the ranking thing. Something is not right......
Smiling and smiling, nodding and gave responses during talks of other artists. That's a first. Somemore wears the same ring (I think) recently......莫非是....
That cuter guy from Yuzu actually kinda looked at dear YUI and smiled trying to you know, make contact or something but dear YUI just 'replied' it with a nod or something (so cold blooded haha).
She mentioned about the wuu~wang!! thing too in the comment board after MS.
Was really nervous!!
Thank you very much!!
She wrote something like zehi yoroshiku onegaishimasu at the very left bottom, too small to read it. Heven't watch the full show yet, this is just the 'digested' version made by some fan. Thanks to 微笑小林子 @ YUI-CN and budonkadonk @ JPS for the files~
Till then, adieu~
Sunday, March 11, 2007
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