Monday, March 05, 2007


Album: Angela Aki - Piano Live ONE

Yesterday we had a primary school class reunion gathering thing. I reached there around 8:05 pm. It supposed to start on 8, I thought I was late but surprisingly, I was the first person to reach there. After waiting for 5 minutes outside the restaurant like an idiot, decided to return back home. Even though at that time I spotted someone I knew inside the car. After the reunion thing, my friend told me that someone was there since 7.30 pm, guess I didn't recognise her anymore after so long -_-" Sorry for being such impatient.

And guess what, one of my classmate actually got married and have an baby daughter!! :O Shows that a lot of things can be changed within the 7-8 years of time span. So choose the path you wanna take carefully as it will decide the future...I shall stop procrastinating from now on =.=

Speaking of these reunion, I found out this info when I was digging around Music Station's homepage.


Seems that dear YUI didn't go back to Fukuoka to attend the Adult Ceremony AND she turned down her classmates' offer to class reunion as well, kononnya working. Oh this was taken from 'Do! Mari Mail', written by the female announcer in Music Station. As for the kimono I was obsessed about few weeks ago, it was definitely YUI's idea to wear kimono to the ceremony instead of dress. Because from Mari san's mail YUI said to her that:" For memories' sake, I will wear kimono for sure this year!!" So cute >.<

YUI is going to perform in this Friday's Music Station, the guest list looks great too. Angela Aki~ I always have the thought that both Angela and dear YUI has the same 'fashion' style LOL. T-shirt + jeans + Converse combo. Maybe Angela more extreme since her word - wicked. YUI have to maintain the 'idol' image so cannot be too casual lol. Even though both have very different personalities, when it comes to music, one always with her piano, the other one always with her guitar. You give them one instrument and they can perform in front of you on the spot, no sound engineers or other nonsense, that's what I like about them.

They even love the brand AC/DC =P

Ok that was a bad comparison =X Bad screencap. Lets see this week dear YUI has the chance to talk with Tamori san or not.

Till then, au revior~

Oh listening to Driving Today now lol, CHE.R.RY single leaked again. Reminds me of Blue wind, has the calming, relieve effect. I was expecting some climax towards the end or during the chorus, unfortunately there's none. The song is too short =( It is a nice song to listen while driving, especially during peak hours lol.

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