ANNOUNCEMENT: I wanna be...will be aired on next YUI LOCKS!
Welcome to my room. Currently I'm reading that white book.
The name is Marimokkori (まりもっこり), marimo is some green algae from Hokkaido, as for mokkori....check the wiki entry above. Hence Marimokkori. I got it from Mari san. If you're a frequent reader of Mari's blog, she mentions this Mari-mokkori quite often. My friendship with Mari san started because of Marimokkori too.
I want to fry well~ Note: If you pull that rounded thing on its red underwear, Marimokkori will vibrate. LOL.
It all started when she was trying to figure out what's that thing hanging on YUI's backpack in YUI Radio #18, and she was going to buy the green version of Marimokkori (Scroll down to bottom, that poo-poo bear looks cute too LOL).
Me, being a super detail YUI observer, happened to notice that the Marimokkori on YUI's backpack, as shown in 23 October 2006 YUI Locks was blue instead.
See that green pervert in blue jersey?
For the first time, I posted a comment in Japanese blog. It was quite scary, maybe due to inferiority complex. Back then I was really a timid person, always think that I will be eaten by others because I lack of something. Lol.
Right now, we still cannot determine whether YUI's Marimokkori is wearing blue or green jersey. It depends on your own preference, Mari san told me that green one is sold out at the moment, so she couldn't send me both. Because of YUI?!
Green, or Blue??
Even Namie Amuro introduced Marimokkori to the 2 'evil' hosts in HEY HEY HEY. That shows how popular it really is.
If you think that YUI is innocent, think again. From Marimokkori to pro wrestling, to that Oppappi guy......
We are a bunch of obsessed YUI fan. Whatever YUI has, we'll make a big fuss over it haha. Every time I look at it, especially that pair of pervert-ish eyes, I just couldn't stop laughing lol. Besides Marimokkori, dear YUI mentioned in her diary before that she is collecting different sizes of Rirakkuma dolls after she read the Rirakkuma picture book. Since someone gave her Rirakkuma phone strap, she wanted to collect other merchandise such as cushion etc.
Rirakkuma = A bear who likes to relax, me likey lol. I would like to read the picture book too someday. Since the diary was written 2 years ago, I wonder how large YUI's collection of Rirakkuma is right now......
Maybe she has more Marimokkori stuff now, I think I saw her phone strap in Thank you My teens DVD was Marimokkori too, have to double check it first.
PS: I just realised how kakkoii dear YUI is in this poster. The poster is from March 2006 issue of B-Pass. If I'm not mistaken.
Till then~
Sunday, January 27, 2008
YUI Likes Perverted Looking Plush Toys
Posted by Teo at 1:44 PM View Comments
Labels: Marimokkori, Teo's Journal, YUI Info, YUI Stuff
Thursday, January 24, 2008
More on Namidairo: YUI Movie Show, I wanna be... lyrics
Misc YUI News:
My Generation is nominated Best Pop Video in SPACE SHOWER MVA 08.
That's quite a sexy picture of YUI. The eyes are, mesmerising lol.
I think Kobukuro's Tsubomi will win. Even though I never watch this PV from beginning till end. Too long.
The award show will be held on March 15. Me will be at Bangkok, shopping.
Snippets of Namidairo PV can be found in YUI Movie Show website. You can access to the website directly from YUI-net by clicking the icon of STUDIOSEVEN Recordings, which is located below the homepage.
Umbrella live from 2nd tour will be included in the DVD of limited edition. Yay!! Video Clip of Namidairo too.
Do you guys think that it's such a waste of space that they only put two videos in one DVD?? Bad for environment, tsk tsk.
And, I wanna be... lyrics is available at Uta-net.
First glance: It's something close to her everyday life, and it's not I wanna be a rock star nor I wanna be with you.
It's about I wanna be...ME.
Kinda skimmed through first episode of 4 Shimai Tantei Dan, I think Namidairo doesn't fit well as the theme song. Rating: 9.2%. The newer release, the lower ratings will get.
Hope this will not be a curse. No wonder some Japanese fans kinda complained that Stardust (YUI's management company) should stop tie-ing their artists together whenever they could.
YUI <-> Takeuchi Yuko (Fukigen na gene), Uchiyama Rina (Seito Shokun), Kaho (4 Shimai Tantei Dan).
I don't mind if they tie up YUI and Shibasaki Kou though. That'll be pretty interesting.
Posted by Teo at 10:15 PM View Comments
Labels: YUI Info
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Updates on Namidairo
A quick update, from latest YUI Staff Diary,
Left: Limited Edition, Right: Normal Edition
Track list:
1. Namidairo
2. I wanna be...
3. LOVE&TRUTH~YUI Acoustic Version~
4. Namidairo~Instrumental~
I still think that normal edition looks awfully familiar, not Hikki's, some other female singer.
As CSDCSD said, I ordered limited edition from HMV, since they're having discount. YesAsia doesn't count into Oricon sales, so if you really wanna support YUI directly, buy from HMV, CD Japan or Amazon Japan.
Btw, Amazon Japan is freaking expensive (for oversea), I miss the old days T.T
What about normal edition? I'll by next time, since they are 'unlimited'. Saving up $$$ on something else. I'm not really fond of covers focusing on the artist's but I prefer limited edition.
Glad that they installed new fonts though.
I'm still waiting for Chinese subs of 4 Shimai Tantei Dan.
YUI tried to sing along some crazy fast song in YUI LOCKS. lol.
Off topic: Any SEO/ HTML expert here?
Today I spent more than 2 hours trying to figure what the hell went wrong with my blog setting/html. It's bugging for quite some time why on earth my blog snippets/description disappeared in google.
And, all the links direct to my blog are feeds instead on html links!
Maybe that's the reason why not many of you guys found my blog through google. Only 4%. The rest are from some other places (YL, YF...). So difficult to look for me in google. Sad. Anybody has any clue on how to fix this?
Oh I've change my blog feed:
Please resubscribe if your previous feed doesn't update any more, sorry for causing any inconveniences. Tell me if you want comment feeds.
If you're wondering what a feed is, check this video tutorial.
PS: Tuesday with Morrie (book) is so touching, Beat it's intro is fun to play.
Posted by Teo at 10:18 PM View Comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
English Phrase YUI Used When She First Met some Foreigner
This is supposed to be my next misc YUI gossip, but it got too long.
Seen this interview before?
Source: Behind the scenes of MC GOW's Live Talk blog
It was an interview for Yahoo Live Talk, around June 2006, to promote Good-bye days and Taiyou no Uta. Well, obviously.
I just read this from the host, MC GOW's blog.
Guess what YUI said when she first saw her?
What's up?
LOL. The conversation went on like this,
(first meeting)
YUI: Wassup?
Gow: *surprised* What's up girl?
YUI: honmonoda~! (It's the real thing!!)
Note: This was just a meet up session before interview, not included in the video.
So cute. In the interview YUI tried to show her English vocabulary during interview such as 'Thank you', 'Good', haha.
According to Mc Gow, YUI was the one who first start the conversation. She's not that shy as people as tend to think, maybe because Gow is a non-Japanese? (Father Scottish, Mother Filipino) In the interview, YUI performed Good-bye days, and after that she showed her Alanis Morissette cover to Gow san (privately), Mc Gow was really surprised as YUI remembered all the lyrics perfectly. They even sang Time after Time together *envies*
Me wanna see it too T.T
I shall make an assumption that the easiest way to make friends with people who plays guitar is either be their vocalist or jam songs with them, it doesn't matter if your guitar skill sucked or can't really sing, main point is to have fun.
Provided that both of you have similar taste in music, or both know certain songs lol. Don't criticise or spread negative energy, if you know what I mean. Unless you wanna go pro such as participate in the Second YUI-Lover Collaboration.
My song list is pretty limited, I shall go and learn more party songs instead of YUI's. Sometimes people don't really care if you play exactly like the CD, as long as it sounds close enough, it'll be fine. Kinda sad though, especially when you've spent so much time on that particular song, yet the first comment you received was 'it sounds different'.
Well us humans like to receive compliments more than criticism, that's the nature. Don't worry, we'll recover after a while LOL.
This Yahoo Live Talk interview is one of my favourite, the atmosphere was almost same as YUI Radio, hence it was more relaxed, dear YUI even sat crossed leg on sofa (normally she sits very the straight, especially in Music Station). And as usual, YUI tried to avoid answering certain questions from fans, if my memory serves me correctly.
Check out the grey socks YUI was wearing =P
I shall rewatch this some other day.
Posted by Teo at 8:31 AM View Comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
How YUI can Motivate You to Achieve Goals in 2008
I never really write any resolutions before, and most of the time I failed to achieve my goals. Ever since I met YUI, I can say that I'm living my life more consciously, and try not to procrastinate too much. Having someone shares the same age with you to look up to, someone like YUI, to me, the urge to improve yourself more is far more greater than having the sense of inferiority, or jealousy.
Of course I'll get jealous every time she gets new guitar, recently another Martin (not that 1977 one) zzz, and why her skin complexion so nice T.T
Lets say this year you wish to improve certain areas in your life, how on earth dear YUI can help you (indirectly) on this?
If your goal is one of this three below, hopefully they can at least motivate you guys a little bit.
1. I'm going to learn guitar.
Source: Thank you My teens DVD
For starters with zero music knowledge, learning guitar from scratch can be really frustrating. I've been there before. Bear in mind that YUI started from nothing as well, when she was 15. She had no music background, not even a guitar to practise. She practised day and night, after 6 months, she wrote her first song, and now, jamming solos in her performances. It's not because that she's talented, she worked hard to be 'talented'.
It's all about taking the first step, if you're stuck half-way, you can always ask for advices from our fellow mad guitarists in YL Forum. Or I can point you to several videos where YUI messed up her guitar playing, if that will make you feel better. You will appreciate YUI more once you pick up guitar, or any other instruments. Just take small steps, slowly, I can honestly tell you take I still cannot play LIFE nicely even after 2 years, yea I suck.
2. I'm going to start writing diary.
Source: The Making of Taiyou no Uta. She uses mechanical pencil to write hee.
Even though she seldom updates YUI diary, she keeps a personal diary, and writes everyday. If you already know the importance of writing things down, but having trouble maintaining it, don't worry, YUI and Teo been there too. It took me 3 years to get things right. And YUI, she uses a more radical approach, which is forcing herself to write.
I can only say,: Keep writing, or try writing one-sentence journal everyday. For me, I will try to fill up the small squared space in my daily planner every day. It takes less than 2 minutes, if you use marker pen to write lol.
3. I'm going to read more books.
Source: B-Pass December 2006 issue
When YUI was in primary school, she didn't read much (me read mangas). Nowadays, she reads when she has the free time, while travelling, or waiting for her turn to perform. Since my Japanese reading skill is still limited, can't really expand my stalking area on what YUI reads. But, someday I will read ALL of them. You can start with Harry Potter or Da Vinci Code (I haven't read this), or mangas such as Nana, Azumi, Honey and Clover (me haven't read Azumi & H&C), books are better than manga though.
Set a specific, achievable goal such as, I'm going to read one book per week, or read 15 minutes per day, and you're likely to stick with it. I try to keep my routine of one Chinese, one English book per week, but text books are slowly eating up my time. My solution? Cut down TV time *coughs*
This might sound as if I am some crazy obsessed YUI fan, take a look around, all the advices given to improve your life are roughly the same, take up a hobby, write down everything, or read more, etc. I'm just using dear YUI as a 'platform', and share with you guys. I might write more of these instead of showing off YUI's achievement and what not. We have to know her 'behind the scenes' in order to understand why she is popular, and how to save our LIFE =P
Happy setting goals~ (be specific)
PS: A lot of YUI fansites are discussing what to give YUI on her birthday (March 26). Hmm....
Posted by Teo at 10:49 AM View Comments
Labels: Teo's Journal, YUI Info
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Second YUI-Lover Collaboration
Misc Namidairo facts (and some Teo rants):
In January 10 YUI LOCKS, YUI said that Namidairo is for acoustic performance (how to say 弾き語り in English?), and sounds kinda similar with TOKYO.
Acoustic performance~ Lalala~~~~~~~~ *goes to play Namidairo tabbed by dear tsunvun*
YUI-net has updated the track list for Namidairo. B-side is I wanna be...
Hmm...I wanna be with you or I wanna be a rockstar?? Besides Music Video, DVD of Limited Edition only has ONE live performance not included in Thank you My teens DVD. Which song will it be?
Speaking of the lyrics, me think that triper san's Chinese translation reflects my interpretation of this song the most. Maybe because it is in Chinese, which you can ignore who's the subject and translate it vaguely lol. I still cannot find the perfect translation for this though:
From Yahoo Japan Dictionary: It cannot be true, isn't it.
Before that she said そう言ってみたけど, which is in past tense. That means, someone said something she wasn't intended to say.
Main culprit will be this はず word.
No wonder those books on translation theory in the library are freaking thick.
We shall wait for the person who wrote this to explain the whole thing. I only know that it's a breakup song, and someone is in deep sorrow.
The Second YUI-Lover Collaboration is on. For those who didn't participate last year, YUI-Lover dot com decided to organise this again in conjunction with YL second anniversary celebration.
I'm not participating this time, since I don't wanna 'ruin' the compilation CD, which is going to send to YUI LOCKS! and hopefully YUI will play your song in YUI Locks, like what happened to our fellow members, Alanna16 and anas604.
The rules are simple:
1. You have to be a member of YUI-Lover dot com.
2. Send in any YUI song cover OR
3. Send in your original songs, if you want dear YUI to listen your masterpiece.
The songs can be instrumental, played by any instruments, duo, trio, band, anything, as long as it is nice.
Right now, the deadline is February 10, and we plan to send this compilation to YUI on March, along with this cool looking T-shirt.
The downside is, we are to going select 16 songs only (if there are more than 16 submissions......), which is decided by YL forum moderators, nataliejwong, s0l1dsn8k3, and me, at the moment. Still, don't underestimate yourself, send in your songs!! The rules can be altered any time, just join and have fun.
To show my sincerity, here's my cover of TOKYO.
This is just a demo, to 'motivate' you guys. I'm not participating. To beginners, TOKYO is one of the easiest song to play, just make sure you tune half step down. TOKYO was my first song when I started guitar-ing 2 years ago.
That's how YUI plays in most of her live performances. One take only lol, kinda messed up the last chorus. Imagine one year ago when I tried to do a cover of this song, I did like 30 attempts and I could still find flaws in it =.=
Just that after one year, I still can't really sing.
I'm sure you can do better than this. So send it your songs to me via email (, or pm to nataliejwong, s0l1dsn8k3, before February 10.
For more information, check this thread in YUI-Lover forum.
Questions, feedbacks, suggestions are welcomed!! In case I didn't make it clear enough.
Join! Join!
Posted by Teo at 7:16 AM View Comments
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
First Impressions on New Single, Namidairo
Misc YUI Lyrics:
During nights when my tear-stained voice cannot be heard
I want to be wilful till it bothers you so much (想任性下去,直到你感到困擾爲止)
Tried to say I'm alright but
It shouldn't be like this, don't you think so?
-- Namidairo
Modified from uchihamel's translation. That's how I interpret it, might be wrong though.
I'm sure most of you guys know about this new release but in half-banana dot com, we always try to provide something extra.
Namidairo FULL version will be aired on January 10 YUI LOCKS!! (Source: YUI-net, YUI LOCKS!)
YUI - Namidairo
Lyrics/ Melody: YUI
Theme song of drama 4 Shimai Tantei Dan.
Release Date: 27 February 2008
Limited Edition: Comes with DVD (Music Video + live footages not included in Thank you My teens DVD), Normal Edition.
Preview: YUI RADIO #30
As usual, I'm going to buy from HMV, so far no discount yet. Sad.
The producer of 4 Shimai Tantei Dan requested something mysterious with love as the theme, and he wanted ballad on sad and painful love.
The keyword of Namidairo is "Secret love". This song is rewritten from a demo she wrote back then, around that time when she debuted.
Hence, the 'old' YUI, an acoustic based song. It's been a while, I suppose? Majorities seem to like it so far, which is a good thing I guess, hopefully you guys will buy the single. Don't just talk, ACT.
For me, I like it. End. It's good with something acoustic-y, since I don't have electric guitar, and definitely I would like to see lots and lots of acoustic lives of this song. We didn't have much chance to see YUI's acoustic performances of newer singles on TV since...I remember you?
The best thing is seeing mass collaboration between YUI Lovers, one pasted the link of YUI Radio, then another YL ripped and uploaded it, after that Romaji popped out, translation, YouTube, every where just within a few days. Interesting stuff.
Lets see if there's any updates on YUI LOCKS, drama on air, or perhaps another YUI Radio SP??
PS: I'm going to present my shitty paper in a conference at Bangkok (March). Sounds glamour huh. Lol. I should say, SCARY. Any nice place to visit besides ah kua show??
Posted by Teo at 10:19 PM View Comments
Labels: YUI Info
Saturday, January 05, 2008
YUI watches: Seito Shokun!
Misc YUI Hearsay:
Every time I read how these people in entertainment industry on their encounters with dear YUI, I always wonder: Is such nice person exist in this world?
Apparently this guy (keyboardist of a band called midori) fell in love with YUI at first sight, when she came to see his band and GO!GO!7188 live. Something like a bassist friend of YUI's has something to do with GO!GO!'s guitarist Yuu san, so both of them came yada yada...
When this guy saw YUI at the backstage (surprised), he went to greet her, exchanged a few words. Since YUI consider as a big star, the most we can do is just...have small talks. According to his 'writing tone', he was mesmerised by YUI's voice, especially when YUI complimented his performance, using THAT voice.
That reminds me of the time when YUI called my name LOL \(≧▽≦)丿 (<- stole from his blog).
When YUI was going to leave she even returned back and say good bye to the guy. So nice. One thing though, YUI had to 'camouflage' by wearing sunglasses. Someone saw her wearing it in the concert. And I always thought that YUI is one of the few artists who seldom wear sunglasses. She is getting popular...must protect herself from unnecessary disturbance. Kinda makes me sad.
Apparently this guy (Hajime san) has a thing for Otsuka Ai, Base Ball Bear's bassist, Polysics keyboardist.....etc etc too. I like his taste in women LMAO.
PS: Don't believe in everything I wrote. Just take it as a gossip corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Seito Shokun!
Source: Seito Shokun! Official Website
Despite it's low ratings (7.6%), overall I like it. Maybe because I'm into motivational stuff lately. All the lessons, values I've heard since I was little starting to make sense. I wonder why I never take it seriously back then.
And of course, I watched this drama because of,
YUI and Horikita Maki. My Generation acoustic and orchestra versions are NICE (anyone has the OST??), and Maki chan is nice to look at too.
At first I thought it was yet another high school drama with troubled, lost kids and saved by their sensei. There is something deeper than that, the education system. How it slowly corrupts people's mind, people start blame each other, ignoring what matters the most....the root of all evil.
With teenagers so full of themselves, who seem to think that they are the unluckiest person in the whole universe.
Kinda remind me of myself *hides*
Back then when I was in secondary school, I always think about myself. Everything is about me, ME, I. I used to be part of a group, but one day they started to ignore me for no apparent reason. I thought they were the ones to blame, since I didn't do anything bad, and I started to throw tantrums, hitting the tables, hoping that they will notice me. But you know what? The more you tried to gain attention by ventilating your temper to people around you, they will ignore you even more. Once I thought of committing suicide to make those people regret forever.
Luckily my willpower was not that strong back then lol. That's why now I choose to be as an individual instead of under one clan. These so called brothers and sisters cannot be by your side forever, you have to save yourself.
As I was watching this drama (while ironing clothes), I kept on imagining what goes on in YUI's mind when she was writing the lyrics of My Generation. I wouldn't say that it fits the drama perfectly, but every time the ending rolls, or instrumental version of My Generation was played, I will start recalling the lyrics and tried to connect the drama all together. The result? Inspiring.
It's just that I can't express my dream with wordsTranslated by aihart92011yui
The time I hurt others not mattering who, and cried the whole night....
I don't expect people to understand
I was controlled by the weakness of not being able to believe in my own dreams.
Sixteen My dream
This drama reminded me of certain teachers who have taught me back then, how disrespectful I was, spent most of my high school days sleeping in their classes, playing online games, TV, feeling insecure, lost...good times? Not really. But these experiences taught me valuable lessons, let it be good or bad.
Still, we cannot give up or find someone to blame just because such misfortunes kept on happening to us. Try to...embrace it?
Ignore cliché, unrealistic parts, so-so background music (not YUI's) and Seito Shokun! makes one of the better high school drama around.
Now, if Namidairo will have such impact....
Related Posts:
Posted by Teo at 5:40 PM View Comments
Labels: Teo's Journal, TV Show, YUI Info
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Looking Back Year 2007 - Part 2
Misc YUI Facts:
According to Odilon san, YUI sang 7 songs in COUNTDOWN JAPAN 07/08 -WEST- (Aurora Stage, Osaka).
1. My Generation
2. How crazy
3. Rolling star
5. Winding road
6. Highway chance
7. Good-bye days (Acoustic)
Her first word during MC was 'oppappii~!' lmao.
If you're wondering what the heck is 'oppappii', it is an abbreviation of Ocean + Pacific + Peace, which clearly doesn't make sense at all.
Demo, sonna no kankei nee!! (It doesn’t matter!)
If you're still confused, check this video *Warning: Explicit content*.
Imagine YUI, doing that pose...of course she didn't, just imagining haha.
Conclusion: YUI likes half-naked men LOL *runs away*
Joking joking. I like that guy too. First saw him in Utaban, when he was trying to 'terrorise' Utada Hikaru. Everybody likes him =D
Continue from Part 1.
July 2007
- YUI played YL forum member, Alanna and her band's LIFE cover on YUI Locks!
August 2007
- It's summer, means lots and lots of outdoor live events. Rock in Japan, Girl Pop Factory, Zushi Marina Live Festival...
September 2007
- Release of LOVE & TRUTH on September 26. Total sales: 141,994 - Highest Ranking: 1 - Yearly Ranking: 48 (as 24/12/2007)
October 2007
- Performed in School of Lock! Live Tour "Young Flag" at Fukuoka (October 12). First time on stage together with Jinn, another band that me like.
November 2007
- Release of YUI's first DVD, Thank you My teens on November 14.
- First Budoukan Live (November 19).
- Winter Sleeve campaign.
December 2007
- YUI mentioned my name in YUI Locks lol.
It's been a great year to me I think. Meet a lot of people, made a lot of friends online/offline. I have learned a lot, and changed a lot too I suppose. Especially my view on the world/people. After reading my first ever self-help book around July, I have been trying different ways to becoming a better person. The downside is my unread books are keep piling up, so many books to read, and now most of the time I only watch shows that YUI recommended LOL. Is this a good thing?
Anyway, I have bigger plans on year 2008 and one of them will be making this blog the best place for YUI-ing = spreading YUI-ism. Of course I will try to balance up between school, part time, and blogging because my ultimate goal depends on how good I manage all 3 of it.
Till then, hope you guys will have a great year ahead and thank you for being part of this blog~
PS: No more holly. Lets see if YUI will use it on next Christmas.
Posted by Teo at 9:13 PM View Comments
Labels: Teo's Journal, YUI Info
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- YUI Likes Perverted Looking Plush Toys
- More on Namidairo: YUI Movie Show, I wanna be... l...
- Updates on Namidairo
- English Phrase YUI Used When She First Met some Fo...
- How YUI can Motivate You to Achieve Goals in 2008
- The Second YUI-Lover Collaboration
- First Impressions on New Single, Namidairo
- YUI watches: Seito Shokun!
- Looking Back Year 2007 - Part 2
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