Friday, October 31, 2008

How does it like being interviewed by Nihon Terebi

Misc Announcements:

I have received my first deposit for YUI 3rd Tour Goods order.

Remember that order cut off date is November 10, and all deposits must be collected by November 12.


Yesterday, this suspicious looking car came to our international student dormitory.

When I entered the dorm from grocery shopping, I saw people in suits and some people were setting up lights, camera and what not.

Being a super busybody, I asked our manager whether if he is going to be an actor or not, and teased another French girl that I'm going to watch her on TV.

Then suddenly, one of the person in charge suggested me to be one of the interviewee, I was like..."but I'm not presentable enough"

And I went back to my room.

I thought, this is a great topic to blog about, so I took my camera, and pretended to go down and throw a bag rubbish. I managed to take a picture before the shooting started.

The person in charge spotted me and he asked me to come in. I was hesitated. After I took that picture above, I was like, what the heck and entered the kitchen.

Yeah, the location was first floor kitchen.

When I entered the room, I was like, "Is that okay for me to enter? Since I'm the only Asian looking person."

Even though the majority of students staying in this dorm are Chinese, they didn't ask any Chinese to be interviewed.

3 French, 1 Swedish, 2 British, 1 American, 1 Danish, 1 Indian,

and one busybody Asian-Chinese looking Malaysian.

I was wondering why all French, because we have German, Mexican, Spanish, Scottish, Slovakian, Samoan, Russian, Australian in our dorm as well. All western looking.

Maybe they didn't have enough time, that's why I can be part of it XD

They asked us to write down our names, age, and nationality. The announcer was like, "Wow, so diverse~"

That kinda made me laughed, at heart. It can be more diverse you know.

Oh the recording is for next week's ZOOM IN!! SUPER by NTV. I'm sure you guys heard of this program, thanks to YUI.

Basically they wanted to know whether foreign students are affected by the recent economy crisis, together with the rise of Japanese yen, what sort of measurement they have taken.

All the while I was just sitting there and listen, because I shy, because I'm Chinese, because I don't feel like using my lousy Japanese or English, because I don't want to waste their tapes.

我有自知之明,不想丢人现眼 = 怕死丢脸

Listening to them talking about how they have to cancel a lot plans, trips, had to stay in the dorm most of the time to prevent using more money, how much their savings had shrunk, I am glad that I don't have to suffer this. I just need to be careful on my spendings so that my concert/travel fund won't go down =x

One of the British student was the 'official' interpreter, he was SOOO good *ashamed* Then another British guy who is in my class purposely used English instead of Japanese lol. After that he told us that he was interviewed by Fuji TV last week and they treated him a big meal after shooting, and we should be paid for appearing on TV instead of getting this only:

After the shooting, as this was my first ever TV shooting experience, I had to get some sort of proof so that I can brag about it in the future. So I approached the announcer and and asked if I could take pictures together with her (she's pretty btw), and she suggested that we take group photos instead.

I was wearing the 3rd Tour hoodie.

I'm a gaijin, so I didn't know who she is. Luckily I asked her name, she said Yoko, and kinda annoyed, because she mentioned her name in the beginning, or maybe because I didn't recognise her since she is an announcer lol.

So I googled: ようこ + 日本テレビ

At first I thought she was this girl, because she is graduated from Waseda, hosts ZOOM IN!! SUPER as well. Hmm the pictures don't really match.

Then I went to the official website of ZOOM IN! SUPER and went through all female presenters in the profile page.


She has an interesting profile. Should have kacau her more.

I'm glad that I found the courage to walk back down with a bag of rubbish, if not I won't be witnessing something like westerners talking in super fluent Japanese in real time. Better study + work harder ><

Gotta glue to the TV on next week~

PS: I apologise if I have made any mistakes on nationalities. Sometimes people call me Malayan haha. Tell me if I have made any wrong definitions.

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